The Wonderful Uses of Jewelweed

Jewelweed is a native plant, growing commonly in the northern and eastern parts of the United States. It is a self-seeding annual that grows well in partly-shaded, moist areas. It grows in dense patches and is one of the only native plants to successfully outcompete non-native, invasive garlic mustard!

Jewelweed has many rumored topical medicinal uses. It is said to relieve itching from a variety of ailments, including poison ivy rashes. Its anti-fungal properties are also said to help with athlete’s foot.

I had never experienced poison ivy before this summer, so I was a little surprised when my arms were covered in that indicative itchy rash. Being the stubborn person that I am, I was convinced it would go away by sheer will. I just wouldn’t scratch it. Then it wouldn’t spread. Easy. Right? Try telling that to your half-asleep self at 3:00 a.m. who does not care how angry your future self will be for scratching that itch that’s been driving you crazy for hours.

That’s when my amazing husband discovered the wonders of Jewelweed. As soon as I sprayed the liquid on my arm the itching sensation immediately stopped! It felt like a miracle. I went from wanting to rip my arms off one moment, to being perfectly fine, ready to go about my day. Now, I won’t lie to you. This isn’t a one-and-done cure. The itching does come back after a little while, however, after multiple applications the rash begins to dry and heal.

If you are suffering from a poison ivy rash and want to try this natural cure, head on over to our website to check out our Jewelweed products! The soap is great if you feel like you encountered poison ivy and you want to wash the oils away before the rash forms and the spray works great for already forming rashes.

We’d love to hear how you use Jewelweed and what has worked for you!